Our narrative focuses on the revenge of a young girl, with her father acting as the victim. Throughout the teaser trailer, we will demonstrate the father’s ongoing fears and reminders of his horrific past with his (now dead) daughter. By researching the investigations by Freud and Beeker, it supports our narrative in that the father has a fear of death and the unknown due to unresolved conflicts with his daughter. In addition, we will purposely build on the common fears described in Beeker’s book – being alone and being in a confined space.
Sigmund Freud – founder of psychoanalysis.
- States that thanatophatic (fears of death) was merely a disguise for a deeper source of concern, with people trying to deal with unresolved conflicts.
Ernest Beeker’s 1973 book – ‘The Denial of Death’
- States that not only is death anxiety real, but its people’s most profound source of concern.
- It is such intense anxiety that it generates many of the specific fears and phobias people experience in everyday life - Commonly fears of being alone and in a confined space; and the needs for bright light and noise.
- Victim suffers brutal reminders of vulnerability –difficult to control anxiety.
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