Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Domestic Violence Statistics

As we were thinking of having the main theme of our trailer being linked to domestic violence, we reasearched this and found statistics to aid us in deciding who the victim etc could be in our trailer. We will also look at other films that are based around domestic violence and outline expectations. We can then either challenge these, or use these to create a realistic trailer.

• 29% of women and 18% of men aged 16 to 59 reported that they had experienced one or more types of abuse (non-sexual abuse such as use of physical force, being prevented from having money or seeing friends or being belittled, sexual assault and stalking) at the hands of a current or former partner at some time since age 16.

• One in five women (19%) and one in ten men (10%) reported that they had experienced physical force by a partner or former partner at some time since age 16.
• Domestic violence accounts for 15% of all violent crime.
• Over a quarter (26%) of young adults reported that physical violence sometimes took place between those caring for them during childhood. For 5% this violence was constant or frequent.

• There is a strong correlation between domestic violence and child maltreatment:
• for those young adults who said that during childhood they had been neglected, 88% had lived with some level of domestic violence, and for 59% the violence was constant or frequent

• for those young adults who said that during childhood they had been physically abused, 75% had lived with some level of domestic violence, and for 36% the violence was constant or frequent

• for those young adults who said that during childhood they had been emotionally abused, 71% had lived with some level of domestic violence, and for 48% the violence was constant or frequent

• for those young adults who said that during childhood they had been sexually abused, 54% had lived with some level of domestic violence, and for 20% the violence was constant or frequent.

• Between 1994 and 2004, 29 children in 13 families were killed during contact (or in one case residence) arrangements in England and Wales. Ten of these children were killed in the last two years.

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